Tuesday, February 12, 2013

This and That- Nienstadts

 Going to Princess Ball (Father/Daughter Dance) at our church last week.
 Playing with lizards- it's on her purse, on her hip.
 Faith is "walking" hers.  We let them go before they became too trained!
 Valentine Party at lunch with kids they take Art/Music class with on Tuesdays.
 I love this holiday, and the sweet card/trading they do.
 Every so often, it's Art show time, and they get to take home their projects.  Self portraits (you can see the pic. of themselves they looked at).
 The teachers took the clay pieces and for each family (alot have brothers/sisters) in different classes, they nailed the pieced together on a board, then even put a piece on the back to hang it from- I love it!
This is Faith's weaving project she's still working on.


  1. That seems like a fantastic art class! The self portraits are beautiful!


  2. You all have such fun! What a great mom! Love, Julie

  3. The art work is quite impressive!

