Saturday, June 22, 2013

Swing Dance and Color Me Rad

 Hey guys! Anne Marie here. This morning, Mom and I walked/ran the Color Me Rad 5k. It was really fun! It was her third 5k and my first. It was a fun experience!

 Afterwards we went to Starbucks where I got an iced coffee and Mom got a frappuccino.
 Last night we hosted our homeschool group's first "Teen Trek" dance. We had an excellent turnout and everyone had a blast! We did swing, waltz, polka, and four or five different civil war square dances!
Two weeks ago my friends Amy and Jenna came over to help me plan out the order of dances and the night before the dance we put together our playlist - I couldn't have done it without their help!!
I tried to upload video, but it wouldn't load. Perhaps I'll try again tomorrow!


  1. Color Me Rad has stations throughout the course where they "color bomb" you with either colored cornstarch, or colored water hoses! I loved experiencing this with Anmer.
    -Deb Daar

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE this, Anmer! I always loved square dancing in elementary school, and several have tried to teach me the Texas Two-Step to no avail. And way to go on the've inspired me to get on my treadmill right now! Love you! Aunt Julie

  3. I loved square dancing in elementary school!


  4. I love looking at these pics! You all have so much fun!
    love you,
    ps, would soooo do the color run with you!
