Monday, May 27, 2013

Graduation Ceremony

Jake practiced for weeks to prepare for the Bynum School Graduation Ceremony. He played various pieces as guests were being seated, and then played "Pomp and Circumstance" as the graduates came in and again as the ceremony ended. The school is for special needs students, and they graduated six sweet young people. The valedictorian's speech was beautiful - very touching. The young lady's teacher stood behind her to help her follow her script, but every time he thought he would need to step in and give assistance, she was able to find her place and continue. Not a dry eye in the chapel! Jake was very touched, as well. It was a wonderful experience - and a personally proud moment for us as parents as we watched Jake use his gift of music to serve in this special way. (Luke was pretty proud, too!)

(I've tried to upload these videos off and on all day - my apologies if they don't work.) 


  1. How beautiful, Jules, and Jake, what a wonderful job and service....Your family inspires me in so many ways!
    We love you!
    The Nienstadts

  2. What a great moment for Jake. That is what life is really about.


  3. I couldn't be more proud of him!
