Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas in Cape and Tennessee From Deb and Julie

The Andersons and Reynolds met in Cape to visit Lainie and Granny for Christmas. We had a wonderful and blessed time together.

Lainie fixed a fabulous dinner followed by games and a walking tour of downtown Cape where we saw a beautiful Christmas display and walked the courthouse stairs.
Christmas Eve day we went to the Lutheran Home to have lunch with Granny and Brad. Mom outdid herself with a wonderful Christmas meal. She invited several aides to fill their lunch plates, as well.
Following lunch we gathered in the family area by the Christmas tree where Jake played the piano for Granny and other residents and staff who came to listen.  He is simply AMAZING!! (from Deb)
Granny was tired from her morning shower, but we believe she truly enjoyed the music and the company. She gave out several kisses!

The Andersons made way to Millington on Christmas Day. Debbie made a wonderful dinner, and the kids are playing Monopoly as we make this post!



  1. These are some great pictures, guys! I like the one of Jake, looking back at Granny as he's playing. I love seeing the 2 families having fun!

  2. Great pictures and I loved the videos. I know it was such a blessing to Granny!

