Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Texas A&M and Santa's Wonderland

Last Friday we spent the day in College Station.  Tim had arranged several meetings so that Mason could get some exposure to A&M.  We had a wonderful day and were very impressed with everything we saw.  The people were so nice and the business program has some great things to offer.  We just keep praying that God will make it clear where Mason is to go to college.  
 After dark we headed 7 miles south of the campus to Santa's Wonderland.  It was SO fun!
 Snow was falling as we entered the adorable little town.  The stores were precious!
 We got there at just the right time for our own private hayride through the lights.  The pictures will not do it justice, but the lights were amazing!
 We anticipated the Nativity, and it was very special.
 We did not anticipate, however, the crosses and the tomb.  It was such a moving display.
 You can't see it, but there was motion in the scene.  Jesus rose into the sky with the lights going on and off and then the angels lit up to praise Him.  Can I just say "God Bless Texas!"  People unashamedly declare their faith here!
 No, my children did not want their picture taken with Marshall Frosty.  


  1. those are great- we are going to have to go by there next year!

  2. This is so neat. Do they do this every year? Love that Jesus was incorporated into the display!

  3. We went to this a few years ago, and it was really neat! Can't believe sweet Mason is so close to college age!
