Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cousins TN Visit

We had an absolutely marvelous visit with the Nienstadts and Crowells- our first full day was rainy, but we made the most of it!
Of course, the horses were a main attraction, and I (Deb) am so glad that everyone got to enjoy these "big boys"!
Yes, we took Dollar for a walk!
Ice cream for everyone!!
Below- this is not posed, I just had to capture this sleeping sweetheart.
The ground was pretty soggy with rain, so the go-kart gave us some more fun!
Lunch picnic in the back of the truck, on a sunny warm day.
How I cherish these moments, sweet play time!
I LOVED playing Scrabble with Katester, and reading to Banana-girl!
Below: a game of "Herd Your Horses"- Anmer won, but AK was a close second!
A LIVELY game of "Spoons"
Okay, so some (kid) friends of ours had dyed their hair with Kool-Aid (no sugar, just the powder in hot water).  Anmer found a tutorial on Pinterest, and we played beauty shop!
We were honored to celebrate Faith & Hannah's birthdays.  Didn't AK do great decorating Faith's cake?  Anmer did Hannah's.


  1. What a wonderful post! I bet spoons was lively! Precious pic of Tobs sleeping. Jake loved riding in that go-cart. Cool hair color! So glad you all had this time together! Love, Julie

  2. Wow! It looks like you guys had an amazing trip. We are jealous that we weren't there.


  3. We had the BEST time, what a blessing it was.
